Low Budget Honeymoon Ideas

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Low Budget Honeymoon Ideas

Low Budget Honeymoon Ideas

bulan maduHoneymoon, one of the most awaited moment among newlyweds. Basically, honeymoon is a trip which conducted by newlyweds to celebrate their marriage. Honeymoon usually taken places in exotic and secluded place in order to make everything feels more and more intimate between couples. Some couple wanted their honeymoon mood perfect, and didn’t mind if they must spend a lot of money. It means, they usually go overseas to visit popular honeymoon destination. But what if you can’t spend so much money for a honeymoon? Don’t worry, here’s some of the list what can you do for honeymoon with minimum budget :

jalan jalanRoad Trip

Go for a road trip with your new partner! Explore city by city, places by places, take photograph in your special moment, and create your happy memories together all the time! You can rent a car and start circling your country. Meeting new people and travelling to new places will tighten your bonding with your partner. By doing this, you will also see a glimpse of habit in your partner, such as how he/she making conversation with stranger, handling road rage, and other little habit. If you and your partner are adventurous type, this type of honeymoon definitely suitable for both of you. It’s cheap, it’s fun, and it’s romantic to get lost together with your partner

play outdoorOutdoor Recreation

Do you and your partner love outdoor activity such as hiking and camping? If the answer is yes, then outdoor recreation is perfect for the both of you. Popularly, hiking and camping are the most popular destination if it comes to outdoor recreation. But if both of you wants more challenges, you can try canoeing, canyoning, caving, or kayaking. If you live in beach environment, you can try diving, surfing, sailing, or fishing. Not enough challenging? You can try rock climbing, adventure racing, or even hunting. This kind activity will make you both release your happiest emotion, and eventually tighten your love and bonding as new couple. You didn’t have to go overseas to do this, just pick a spot near your city and go. Just make sure you two following every rules and always remember that safety comes first.


Let’s imagine this : you’re now in foreign city with backpack in your back, and then your partner holding your hands tightly as you walking surrounded by stranger in stranger’s land. You look left and right, and see nothing but everybody smiles at both of you with such happiness. Romantic isn’t it? This is what you will get if you choose backpacking as your honeymoon idea. You will get lost in time with your partner as you strolling around the city, trying local foods and chatting all night long. Backpacking is a painkiller for stress, cheap to afford and can be done many times.


Who says honeymoon is only about having fun together? Honeymoon can also be done in charity form! If you and your partner are enthusiast about helping other people, you can pick charity event for your low-cost honeymoon idea. You and your partner can become a volunteer local blood bank or signing up for nursing home helper. You can also become a temporary teacher in secluded school, or become contemporary helper in your city orphanage.  All the compassionate feeling you and your partner give to other people will eventually come back right at you. You will feel happier, more compassionate, and you will love your partner more than ever.

private partyPrivate Party

You and your partner are introverted type and hate going out to unknown area? Just rent a room, and your own private party! You and partner can cook together, dancing, and chatting and staring your partner eyes all night long. After that, you can go for movie marathons or making scrapbooks together. You can ask your partner about his /her insecurity, flaws, or another deep topic. You can laugh, cry, and smile together with your partner with such full emotion. In our humble opinion, this is by far the cheapest yet the best choice if you and your partner want to have low budget honeymoon.

So, do you like our list of low-budget honeymoon ideas? You can expand more of this list by changing the concept, the time, the theme, and the purpose according to you and your partner preferences. Just remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money for the sake of romantic vacation. What’s important is you and your partner connection, not the place nor the destination. Happy honeymoon!

editor: Rani

source: every source

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